About Us

The Stamford Fabric Company

The Stamford Fabric Company in a limestone building in the heart of the historic town.

Our tiny fabric shop is in the heart of beautiful Stamford, Lincolnshire, a stone's throw from the bustling High Street and the beautiful St Mary's Street. 

I fell in love with fabric and sewing at roughly the same time that the first shop opened and bought lots of fabric over the years from the previous owners. Many years and several adventures later, I was offered the opportunity to take over the running of the shop in December 2019 – and The Stamford Fabric Company was born.

On June 22 2020, we opened in newly refurbished premises just around the corner at 10, Stamford Walk. My knowledgable assistants Meg and Elaine work hard with me to offer help and advice, and beautiful products, to our lovely customers. 

We hope you'll visit our shop if you're in or near Stamford!
