Tapestry cushions - a labour of love
Posted by Kathryn Findlay on
Today was a day of making up tapestry cushions. It's not something I get to do very often, and to be honest I probably wouldn't want to do it every day - but when I do, it just makes me happy, and this is the reason why.
In the main, the tapestries I make have been worked with a great deal of love. Sometimes it's because the person who worked them have been given them as gift by a loved one, sometimes it's because they are going to be given to a loved one as a special present. The thing is, unless you have made one yourself you won't perhaps know just how much time and effort - and love - is involved. They will have taken many hours to complete, sometimes over years but always over several weeks. They might have been worked whilst watching a television program out of the corner of one eye, whilst listening to music, or even whilst sitting in a sunny spot in the garden. They will all have one very simple thing in common, though, . So it's a pleasure and a privilege to make them up, and I hope I always put the same amount of care into making them into a cushion cover as the client has put into even one stitch.